Giza Power Plant

Looking at Christopher Dunn, you would hardly suspect this is the man who may have unlocked the millennia-old mystery of the Great Pyramid.
Dunn is a soft-spoken individual whose intelligence is combined with humility and a genuine admiration, indeed affection, for the wonders of ancient Egypt and the civilization that created them – a civilization whose greatest work he says reveals a kind of cosmic consciousness and harmony with the planet and the universe.
Dunn is not a scientist, archaeologist, Egyptologist, or New Age guru. Born in the UK, he is a working man who came to America and raised a family in a small Illinois town. He is a lifelong master craftsman, machinist, and engineer with experience in aerospace and a focus on precision and laser application. In 1977, Dunn became fascinated with the Great Pyramid after reading Peter Tompkins’ iconic book The Secrets of the Great Pyramid. He spent more than 20 years studying the Great Pyramid and other Egyptian sites.

Because of his engineering background, Dunn saw things in the Great Pyramid’s construction others did not. Most people marveled at the Great Pyramid’s size and asked, “How did they do it?” Dunn examined its precision and asked, “Why was it necessary?”
In 1998 Dunn answered that question in a detailed 300-page masterpiece titled The Giza Power Plant – Technologies of Ancient Egypt. As the title implies, this well-reasoned book claims the Great Pyramid was a giant power generator – an acoustical device that created harmonic resonance with the Earth and converted the planet’s natural vibrations into usable energy for an ancient civilization.
It requires courage to take on legions of traditional Egyptologists and sneering debunkheads who have long insisted the Great Pyramid is a pharaoh’s tomb. But Dunn has met that challenge as any thinking man would – by relying on his training, experience, and logic to shape thorough observations into a plausible hypothesis.
The interior of the Great Pyramid contains many odd passages, shafts, chambers, and other elements. The precision of their construction is breathtaking. For example, the Descending Passage is more than 300 feet long, the Ascending passage is 128 feet long, and yet both are straight to within 1/50 of an inch – the thickness of a thumbnail. Dunn’s rule is simple – the hypothesis must explain the engineering purpose behind this amazing precision, behind every single feature, and behind every oddity. If it does not, it fails.

Dunn sees the Great Pyramid as a coupled oscillator. In other words, an object that draws its energy from a larger vibrating body – in this case, the planet Earth. The system that connects the two angled passages to the Grand Gallery and ultimately the King’s Chamber is acoustically perfect. In ancient days, the Earth’s vibrations traveled up from the ground through the passages into the Grand Gallery, which housed a bank of resonators that converted the vibrations into airborne sound. The antechamber operated as a filter to ensure that only sound of certain frequencies would fill the King’s Chamber. The antechamber, the King’s Chamber, and the so-called relieving chambers above the King’s Chamber are essentially free-standing and made of highly resonant granite that converted the sound waves into a vibrating mass of energy.
Meanwhile, the Queen’s Chamber operated as a chemical reaction chamber into which two different solutions were fed from two separate angled shafts to combine and create hydrogen gas. Chemical residue found in the Queen’s Chamber is evidence of this. The hydrogen atoms filled the pyramid’s interior passages and chambers and absorbed the energy created from the sound waves, pumping their electrons to a higher energy state. The absorption was particularly efficient because the Great Pyramid’s designers had ensured the frequencies at which the King’s Chamber resonated were harmonics of the frequency at which hydrogen resonates.
So far, a solid hypothesis. But now it gets a little sketchy.
Dunn's hypothesis must explain how the energy in the King’s Chamber was captured, transmitted, and distributed to power an ancient civilization – not necessarily the ancient Egypt we know, but a far more advanced civilization that may have predated ancient Egypt by several thousand years.
According to Dunn, microwave signals which are present everywhere were channeled into the King’s Chamber through the narrow Northern Shaft, where they interacted with trillions of hydrogen atoms to produce a “stimulated emission.” An amplified, tightly collimated microwave energy beam was then projected up through the narrow Southern Shaft to the outside of the pyramid. Perhaps the beam was then picked up, transmitted, and distributed by satellites.
Obviously. this part of Dunn’s hypothesis is highly speculative – but even if Dunn is unable to provide a detailed description of the entire process from A to Z, the work he has done toward unlocking the Great Pyramid’s mysteries is significant. It is now up to others to run with the baton.
Dunn’s critics pose two fair questions: (1) If the Great Pyramid was a power plant, what caused it to cease operation, and why is there no archaeological record of it? (2) If the Giza Power Plant hypothesis is so brilliant, why has Dunn not created a working model to demonstrate its effectiveness?
Dunn believes a cataclysmic geological event occurred at some point that caused a power plant meltdown. This event may indeed have destroyed all remnants of the ancient civilization that built the Great Pyramid. As for a working model, Dunn says he lacks the financial means to create such a model – although he has created a working model showing how the Queen’s Chamber shafts operated in producing hydrogen. Dunn has hinted, however, that at least one major company is in fact attempting to replicate the Giza Power Plant energy creation process, using his hypothesis as a starting blueprint.

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