King's Chamber

The Great Pyramid is the most fascinating structure in the world, and the King’s Chamber is its most fascinating feature – unless of course you are a debunkhead or old-school Egyptian tour guide, in which case your mundane description of the King’s Chamber will go something like this:
“The King’s Chamber is a near-empty granite-lined room deep inside the Great Pyramid, approximately 34 feet long, 17 feet wide, and 17.5 feet high. The only way to get there is to scramble more than 40 yards up the narrow, 45-degree ascending passage, continue through the Grand Gallery, and finally crawl through a short antechamber with portcullises. The only object in the room is an open granite box near one end, in which Khufu, the Pharaoh who built the Great Pyramid, may or may not have been laid to rest. Whatever treasures the room may once have contained were stolen by grave robbers long ago. Above the ceiling are five relieving chambers, the topmost of which has a gabled roof. These prevent the weight of the pyramid stones above from crushing the room. Two narrow angled shafts extend from the room. Their purpose is unknown. It sure is echoey in there, isn’t it? That’s all I know and all I care to know.”
Good thing you have arrived at this webpage. Now you can get past that useless babble and learn some truly astonishing things about the King’s Chamber. Ready?
Designed specifically as a resonant chamber. The Great Pyramid is not a tomb and the King’s Chamber was never intended to be a final resting place for Khufu or his treasures. As explained in detail in The Giza Power Plant by Christopher Dunn, the Great Pyramid was a technologically advanced power plant that magnified Earth’s vibrations into sound waves, which were then converted into usable energy to power an ancient civilization. The Great Pyramid is an acoustical marvel. Conversations in the subterranean pit carry through hundreds of feet of passages, then through the Grand Gallery, and finally into the King’s Chamber, where they can be heard clearly. Acoustic engineers who have studied the King’s Chamber have concluded that every dimensional feature of the room indicates the manifestation and form of harmonic resonance.
Granite. Most of the Great Pyramid is made of limestone, but the walls, floor, and ceiling of the King’s Chamber, as well as the monolithic relieving chamber beams above it, and the antechamber leading to it, are all made of Aswan pink granite from hundreds of miles away. This granite has a particularly high quartz crystal content. Granite is a highly resonant mineral, and the quartz crystals act as transducers capable of converting vibrational or sound energy into electricity.
Relieving chambers. Five relieving chambers are not needed to protect the King’s Chamber from the weight of the masonry above – the gabled roof of the top chamber does this by itself. What then is the purpose of the granite beams in the relieving chambers (which, though not visible from the King’s Chamber, are cut straight and smooth on three sides)? They are there to increase resonance. Further, the floor of the King’s Chamber rests on corrugated rock in order to increase resonance as well.
Experiencing the resonance. Given that the entire granite construction of the King’s Chamber and the spaces immediately above, below, and outside of it are designed to maximize resonance, it should come as no surprise that the room produces spooky resonant echoes like nothing you will find anywhere else in the world. If you think singing in the shower is fun, try singing in the King’s Chamber. The ultimate experience, however, occurs if you lie flat on your back inside the granite box (sometimes referred to as the King's Coffer) and begin humming different notes. When you hit just the right note, the box will begin to resonate, and your entire body will be bathed in a wave of wonderfully pleasant vibration. The members of the rock band The Grateful Dead all got to enjoy this experience when they visited the Great Pyramid in 1978. Humming while standing facing the granite portcullis of the antechamber will produce a similar resonant effect.

Geometry. The King’s Chamber’s dimensions encode a perfect 3:4:5 Pythagorean triangle. The diagonal across the shorter wall and the length of the longer wall are perpendicular to each other and form the triangle’s legs.
When you stand inside the King’s Chamber, you are standing inside the living heart of the largest and most technologically advanced power generator in the history of the world.

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