Precision in the Serapeum

As awe-inspiring as the massive pyramids, temples, and statues may be, the true technological wonder of ancient Egypt is not size, but precision. And precision is exactly what is on display in the Serapeum at Saqqara, part of a religious site located about 20 miles south of Cairo near the famed Step Pyramid of Djoser and other structures.
Christopher Dunn understands a thing or two about precision. As an engineer and craftsman with 40 years’ experience in advanced manufacturing, Dunn is well aware that today’s industrial and technological world cannot exist without extreme precision in the manufacture of component parts. He recognizes precision when he sees it. And most importantly, he knows precision does not occur by accident or without a purpose.
Dunn observed extreme precision embedded in the construction of the Great Pyramid and other ancient Egyptian sites and found it so fascinating that he devoted 20 years of his life studying them in search of the purpose behind that precision. His landmark 1998 book The Giza Power Plant turned traditional archaeology on its head with the stunning conclusion that the Great Pyramid was not a tomb, but rather a technologically advanced power plant that converted Earth’s natural vibration into clean microwave energy to power an ancient civilization.
Dunn was using his skill at reverse engineering to unlock the technological secrets of antiquity. And he was just getting warmed up.
After first visiting Saqqara in 1995, Dunn returned in 1999 and 2001 and brought along a precision straight edge that had a deviation from a straight line of 0.0001 inch (1/20 the width of a human hair). He headed for the Serapeum to do some serious measuring.
No one knows exactly who built the Serapeum, or how, or when. Although the Roman historian Strabo had described it in the first century A.D., it was lost for more than 18 centuries until the French archaeologist Auguste Mariette rediscovered it in 1850. Locals guided Mariette to a buried underground tunnel leading to subterranean catacombs that contained 20+ massive, 11-foot-high, 70-ton stone boxes with 30-ton stone lids – each box in its own stall and positioned next to, and below the level of, a straight central walkway.

The surfaces on the insides of these boxes are astonishingly flat and polished, and for reasons unknown most of the box lids are ajar. Despite lazy historians’ claims that the boxes are sarcophagi (for sacred bulls, no less), nothing was ever found inside any of them. The boxes are made from solid granite blocks that were quarried hundreds of miles away. If you climb down into a box and hum just the right note, the entire box will resonate beautifully, just like the granite coffer in the King’s Chamber of the Great Pyramid.
Christopher Dunn came to the Serapeum in search of precision and found it. He climbed down into a box carrying his straight-edge tool and a flashlight. No matter where he placed his tool (with its 0.0001 inch deviation from straight), the wall surface was so perfectly flat that light from his flashlight could not get under it. All interior corners – which again were hewn from a solid block of granite – were remarkably sharp and square, and so tight a pencil could comfortably nestle inside them.
To reiterate Dunn’s point – breathtaking precision like this does not occur by accident and does not occur without a purpose. Dunn studied the Great Pyramid and concluded it was a technologically advanced power plant. Perhaps the enormous, perfectly cut, perfectly polished boxes of the Serapeum at Saqqara served a similar function. (In case you are curious why they say “Serapeum at Saqqara,” there is also a Serapeum at Alexandria, although it does not feature mysterious boxes.)
Despite Christopher Dunn’s lifetime of expertise in advanced engineering and manufacturing, debunkheads dismiss him as some sort of pseudo-scientific kook. Fine, debunkheads, then answer this – why would the ancients bother to import granite blocks from hundreds of miles away in order to build a series of 100-ton subterranean boxes cut with the precision of a Swiss watch? So they could toss animal carcasses in them?

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