How Old Is the Sphinx?

If all you want is to be fed the same tired old facts about the Great Sphinx, here they are: (1) The Sphinx dates to around the same time as the Pyramids; (2) The Sphinx was designed to feature the head of a Pharaoh; and (3) The Sphinx’s head and body are eroded due to centuries of wind-blown sand.
To which we say… wrong, wrong, and wrong. The Great Sphinx was built by an advanced civilization that vanished, a civilization that predated ancient Egypt and indeed all recorded history.
Take a deep breath and read on.
First of all, just look at the Sphinx – a disproportionately small human head clumsily planted onto a lion’s body. Do you really think the creators of antiquity's most iconic work – the largest monolith statue in the world – intended for it to look like a misfit toy?
You may be surprised to learn that for most of recorded history, the Sphinx’s body was buried beneath the sand. It was just a giant head sticking out of the ground. Here is how it looked prior to the most recent excavation in 1905:

Wind-blown sand cannot erode a buried structure. How then to explain the weathered appearance of the Sphinx's base?
Enter the Sphinx water erosion hypothesis.
Starting in the 1950s, only a few decades after the Sphinx’s limestone base was excavated, Egyptologists who had examined it began to claim that water, not wind or sand, had caused the erosion. In 1989, noted geologist Robert Schoch investigated the Sphinx’s enclosure and concluded the main cause of the weathering was indeed prolonged, extensive rainfall. Since the last period of extensive rainfall in what is now Egypt ended approximately 6,000 years ago and it would have taken several millennia to cause the erosion, Shoch estimated creation of the Sphinx may have occurred as far back as 12,000 years ago – long before the earliest days of ancient Egypt.
Not all experts agree. Some say that while water may indeed have eroded the limestone, the Egyptians had no problem carving the Sphinx many centuries later from that water-eroded limestone. Others attribute the erosion to salt crystallization within the porous limestone. Many point to the fact that no one has found even a single artifact predating Egyptian civilization in the area where the Sphinx is located.
But what if Shoch’s theory is correct? What might corroborate it? The answer is... astrology.
We know astrological ages are, on average, 2,000-2,200 years in length and defined by a constellation’s passage through the “house of the rising sun” at the vernal equinox. The Aquarius constellation is entering that part of the sky now, which is why it is said we are at “the dawning of the Age of Aquarius.” Likewise, the ram-headed sphinxes at the entrance to the Karnak Temple in Luxor signify they came to be during the Age of Aries.
The Great Sphinx points directly east toward the rising sun at the vernal equinox, indicating an astrological purpose. And if it is true, as some scholars believe, that today’s astrological system was already in place even before the dawn of recorded history, guess what astrological age it was 10,000-12,000 years ago when the Sphinx came to be? The Age of Leo. It makes sense that an advanced prehistoric civilization would have created a giant lion statue during that age. And it is not hard to imagine that millennia later, a vain Egyptian Pharaoh ordered part of the statue chiseled down into a likeness of his head, resulting in the world’s largest misfit toy.
Will we ever fully solve the riddle of the Sphinx? Well… maybe. About a century ago, the famed American clairvoyant Edgar Cayce believed he was the reincarnation of a priest who had lived on the island of Atlantis. Once, in a hypnotic trance, Cayce described an ancient Hall of Records where all knowledge of bygone cultures was hidden, and stated that a secret tunnel from underneath the Sphinx’s right front paw led directly to this Hall of Records. Scientists took note and tried without success to use drilling and seismic recordings to locate a subterranean passageway beneath the Sphinx’s paw – but Egyptian authorities have since forbidden any further exploration at this location, raising suspicions that they may in fact know something very significant is hidden down there.

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